Thursday 12 September 2013

Project Proposal

For my project based around the 15th Century I have decided to look into a specific event within it. The War Of The Roses. A long lasting fight between the house of Lancaster (Represented by the Red Rose) and York.(Represented by the White Rose)

 I intend to create a range of characters based loosely around the war of the roses. Looking into what battle armour and weapons they would have used in that time. For the characters I will be designing clothes with illustrations, creating a brief plot or profile for the character and drawing it up in some presentational form.

 I won't be using any characters that really existed. But I will be looking into the main people from the war and could perhaps base a character from them extremely loosely. For example I could make a character similar to Henry VI. Having his title but not his name or appearance. Or I could make completely fictitious characters that wouldn't play such vital roles in the war.

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