Thursday 26 September 2013

Reference images

In order to create realistic and well structured characters, I had to gather reference images. 

T-pose reference images

The T-pose references should have been taken at a slightly lower angle. So that The camera was more inline with the stomach or lower chest, to avoid perspective distortion of proportions.

Other pose reference images contact sheet.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Radcliffe Tower

I had the opportunity to visit the site of the Radcliffe tower dig site. Whilst there weren't any archeologists. A large fence has now been secured around the entire site to protect and preserve it.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Thursday 12 September 2013

Project Proposal

For my project based around the 15th Century I have decided to look into a specific event within it. The War Of The Roses. A long lasting fight between the house of Lancaster (Represented by the Red Rose) and York.(Represented by the White Rose)

 I intend to create a range of characters based loosely around the war of the roses. Looking into what battle armour and weapons they would have used in that time. For the characters I will be designing clothes with illustrations, creating a brief plot or profile for the character and drawing it up in some presentational form.

 I won't be using any characters that really existed. But I will be looking into the main people from the war and could perhaps base a character from them extremely loosely. For example I could make a character similar to Henry VI. Having his title but not his name or appearance. Or I could make completely fictitious characters that wouldn't play such vital roles in the war.

15th Century Timeline


The first piano was created. It was a harpsichord known as the Spinet.

Trigger invented.

Oil painting invented.

Hoisting gear invented in florence.


Spectacles with lenses for near sighted people created by Nicholas of Cusa.

Johannes Gutenberg invents printing press.

Drypoint engravings created in Germany.

Muzzle-loaded rifles invented in Italy and Germany.

Fist known copyright granted in Venice.

First parachute designed by Leonardo DeVinci 

Bell chimes invented

Leonardo DeVinci first theorises about flying machines
Martin Behaim invents first map globe.

Whiskey invented in Scotland

Radcliffe Tower

In 1403 James De Radcliffe had the Radcliffe tower made, as part of a rebuild of his manor house.
Not much is known of the manor house before construction of the tower. Archaeologists suggest it may have originally been a great hall. Made from timber.
Only after the building of the great tower did Radcliffe manor actually have any record of it's appearance. But to have this tower built De Radcliffe had to get permission from the king to fortify his property.

On the 15th of August 1403 "A licence to crenellate"from King Henry IV gave permission for De Radcliffe to build a new great hall, two towers and an outer wall to enclose these within. There has been much debate amongst archaeologists working on the site as to wether one or two towers was built. but as of now there has only been evidence of there being one.

Although the tower is now the only remaining element of De Radcliffe's creation there was a great hall built at the same time to the west of the tower that is no longer standing.