Wednesday 6 November 2013


After the weeks I have worked on this project I feel I have succesfully achieved the outcome specified by the brief. I have created a functioning animated story complete with sound.

I had originally intended to narrate my story but I had trouble finding a functioning microphone of suitable quality.
So I settled instead for just having music playing in the background.
I had used a piece from the Shiki OST called Mosaic, but found that it was not long enough to cover my entire power point so I edited it in audacity.

Audacity is one of the few programs I used and learned about for this project.
I had to learn about audacity myself having hardly any previous experience with it.

I also used a program called PaintToolSAI which makes a change from my usual art program of choice (Photoshop) I was already fairly well equipped to use SAI and found that I could get the artwork I required for this project done quite quickly. This is probably the part I enjoyed most about the project. I tried to evidence the progression of each of my drawings by taking screen shots and uploading them to my blog.

The only other part of the project that coused a slight problem was getting to Radcliffe Tower. The main source of inspiration and set base of my story. But this was resolved when our class went during college time to take pictures of not only the tower but also the archeological dig.The fact that the dig was going on however did limit the extent to which we could view the tower.

Because my project was based mainly on the story telling there weren't many specific artists I could look into, so I chose to simply look into a popular illustrator called Brian Sanders. His slightly dark looking drawings where slight inspiration when it came to the colour scheme of my drawings.

After not working with powerpoint for so many years it was refreshing to come back and see it had improved. This meant my story could be customized far easier and looked better.

All in all I believe I have completed the brief. Telling an interesting story though digital mediums and adding sound and illustrations to.